Spring Market – Let’s Sell!

Clocks spring forward this weekend but the South Bend\Mishawaka\Granger housing market has sprung forward already. Some neighborhoods in particular are really moving.  As of today on 3/6/17, the following neighborhoods are just a few that are heating up. Subdivision Current Pendings Sold since 1/1/17 Covington Shores 3 1 Kensington Farms 3 1 Knollwood West 3 […]

De-cluttering – it’s the cheapest “fix” you can make to your home

Did your Mom ever tell you take make your bed when you were growing up?  Well, she was right.  If you have your house listed for sale, do everything you can to prepare for a showing.  And that includes making your bed, putting extra clothes and personal items away, and hopefully an overall de-cluttering throughout […]

Anyone looking to sell near Notre Dame?

Can you help? We have a buyer looking for a ~2,000 square foot home with character near Notre Dame. Do you know anyone interested in selling? Have them call or email: 574-217-4770 or tracy@realst8.com

Backyard not so private?…You can change that!

Is a private back yard on your wish list for your next home in the South Bend, Mishawaka, Notre Dame area? Don’t count a house out just because its close to a neighboring home or it’s in view of a neighbor’s unsightly shed – consider adding privacy.  For around $3,000, Ginger Valley Nursery can plant […]