Fit for a King (or a Princess)?

Nestled behind the expansion of Mishawaka’s Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lincoln Park is a monument of strategically placed rocks and boulders. The largest boulder sports a plaque detailing Princess Mishawaka’s history and her burial somewhere near the monument. It sounds like a nicely executed tribute to the city’s namesake. The problem is that the monument […]

ND Condos in the News

South Bend Tribune writers Margaret Fosmoe, Heidi Prescott, Jamie Loo and Ed Semmler recently came out with a slew of articles about the Notre Dame condo boom in which they provide a nice overview of the upcoming projects and quote many of the developers: ND alumni, fans drive development of condos, townhomes and other housing […]

Property Management for Game Day Homes

Condos and villas (standalone houses sold with a mandatory maintenance plan) are becoming common as baby boomers age and more people buy second, third, or other “part time” houses. Their appeal is their hassle-free status. When you buy one, you know that the grass will be cut, the snow will be shoveled, and someone will […]

Spring Home Shows are Here

It’s nearly Spring and interest in homes is on the upswing. There are three events in South Bend this month, one for old homes, one for new products and one for history buffs: Where the Gipper Lived, March 21. Tour Notre Dame and the West Washington Historic District with architect John Stamper. Sponsored by the […]